Frequently Asked Questions
Get the help you need online. Here you will find answers to commonly asked questions regarding our wide array of services.
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What does IT sourcing and procurement mean?
Sourcing or procurement - the purchasing function goes by many names. The IT purchasing function may now be called IT sourcing. The name change reflects the growing importance of IT procurement to the success of an organization. Although sourcing is often seen to have a broader sense than procurement (such as strategic sourcing, global sourcing), we use both terms interchangeably.
What are the prices of your services?
Our prices are based on a yearly charge, as our service packages are provided for a twelve month period. We are strongly committed to offer them at moderate prices. We do not publish a price list on this site, but will be happy to send you our schedule of charges together with the contract agreement.
Please  Contact Us
How do you get your data?
We gather price information from various, public or confidential sources. Our clients are also an important source of current terms and conditions. We scrutinize the correctness and reasonableness of all information we collect. Such data verification is performed by checking against other sources and statistics (if available), reviewing the data on large month-to-month changes, and calling companies to validate information.
Can I share my account with others?
No, the participation in our services allows you to access the information only. Please do not share your account with anyone, and do not give away your password. Our staff will never ask you for this. Our pricing is based on the assumption that your account is for your personal use only. Duplicate logins using the same username will automatically disable the account.
My password doesn't work.
Make sure your "caps lock" is not on. Passwords are case sensitive, meaning that the computer recognizes upper and lower case letters as being different. If you still can not login, you can request a temporary password. Use this to login to our website, and then change your password to something more memorable.
How do I receive and change my registration key?
If you have not received a registration key yet, you will get it together with your login information. Depending on the service package you are subscribing to, additional member can join your group using this key.

For confidentiality reasons or otherwise, you may occasionally want to change your registration key. To do so, pleaseContact Us and specify to whom the new key should be emailed. If not requested otherwise, it is sent out to all current group members. Only the new registration key will be accepted afterwards; the old key is no longer valid.

Lost your registration key? PleaseContact Us
How can a team get access to your site?
We distribute registration keys for our online services. Group members can create personal accounts using their key until the maximum number of accounts of their service package has been used. While registering, we will still ask to provide name, email address, phone number, and other information. We need this information in order to prevent abuse. You can track online how many users have registered and disable unused accounts, if necessary. Please note that you can not re-enable online any account but only by contacting us.
What is a user group?
A user group is a community that share the same user database of Benchum myData and Benchum Decision. The group is established with a registration key, which we distribute for our online services. New members can join the group using the registration key until the maximum number of accounts of their service package has been used.
More information on the user group.
What is a user database?
Your user database is the section of our database that is exclusively accessible to your user group. Here, you can add your own data, and we might provide extra information for your particular issues. When retrieving information, our application will first look in your user database. Only if not sufficient results are returned, it will then investigate the central database.
More information on the user database.
I can’t find what I need on your site!
The big volume of IT products and services that is announced every year means that we cannot publish analysis and forecasts for everything. Naturally we aim to cover the key suppliers and their products. For those products that are not covered from an analytical standpoint, we are happy to provide this information through Benchum Inquiry.